Addresses of tax inspections in Moscow (part 1)
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 - Central AO Address: 105064, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val St., 9. Help desk phone: 8 (495) 400-00-87. Fax: 8 (495) 400-01-66.…

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Painting house facades as a business idea
Buildings are almost always high. Stairs, hanging cradles, scaffolding and other smaller appliances are simply necessary for starting a business. And, of course, special paints, electric rollers, compressors. The complexity…

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Factors Affecting Business Development
What factors influence business development strongly and constantly? We are talking about three business factors (or elements that are more convenient for anyone) - attention, reputation and trust. They are…

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answer phone calls

How to do a SWOT analysis (part 1)

SWOT analysis is a very important tool for opening, planning and running a business, respectively, and the question “how to do SWOT analysis” is of particular importance in the life of an entrepreneur. We’ll talk about how to do SWOT analysis today. Rather, we will develop such a step-by-step instruction – a questionnaire, after which the very question (how to do SWOT analysis?) Will be completely closed for you.

First, let’s look at what a SWOT analysis is (I apologize in advance to those for whom this is unnecessary). SWOT analysis – a tool for planning and conducting business based on the analysis of four comparative business elements. These elements are: Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats). Correctly done SWOT analysis gives the entrepreneur a huge amount of useful information necessary for making the right business decisions. Continue reading

Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people’s ideas (part 2)

How to capitalize on other people’s ideas, or how to copy a business?
Firstly, a little reservation. I do not want to say that the world does not need new products, and no one will invent them. Will, of course. I already said that those who can do it can and will do it. So take good successful examples and copy them. On its own scale, of course. Copying someone else’s business is fine, don’t worry. And this is the key to success if you correctly complete your part of the task.

In this case, of course, do not expect someone to come up with a new successful business, and you will copy it. Take any existing successful business, analyze it, ask the following questions: Continue reading

How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you

One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with existing ones. At the same time, the average check of regular customers according to statistics, if it changes, is for the better for business. Conversely, the loss (or non-return) of customers for a second and so on purchase is a serious loss for the entire business in fact. Therefore, the question of “how to return lost customers” is worth a separate consideration, at least.

In this article we will talk about how to return lost customers in a slightly unusual manner. I will list 10 main mistakes due to which, according to my observations, a small business most often loses customers, and you, correcting them (or not allowing them), will understand how to return lost customers. Continue reading

How to stimulate employees, or about the mistakes of material incentives
What mistakes in motivating employees are considered the most common? We will list a few standard mistakes made by managers and hope that they will help you better understand how…


Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 2)
How to capitalize on other people's ideas, or how to copy a business? Firstly, a little reservation. I do not want to say that the world does not need new…


How to make a quotation correctly? (part 2)
Here are some tips for writing a good headline: The title is a question. For example: “How to increase profits by 2 times?” Or “How to bring the site to…
