What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 2)
5. Lifetime value of the client / Cost of attracting one client This indicator will allow you to understand how much you will get back from each invested ruble. In…

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Industry Analysis through 40 Questions (part 1)
Analysis of the industry is not only an important step in opening your own business, but also an important tool for conducting and developing your own business. Indeed, making an…

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How to make a quotation correctly? (part 2)
Here are some tips for writing a good headline: The title is a question. For example: “How to increase profits by 2 times?” Or “How to bring the site to…

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Mistakes of novice entrepreneurs – 10 most dangerous (part 1)

The mistakes of start-up entrepreneurs are a real part of starting your own business. And you can’t get away from it, dear entrepreneurs, beginners and not really :-). Mistakes are an experience that is absolutely necessary on the path to success. All aspiring entrepreneurs make mistakes, and you will not be an exception. But this is not a reason to worry and, moreover, not to start a business. The simple question is whether you can learn from them.

Starting your own business is the most vulnerable period of doing business for many reasons. Accordingly, the mistakes of entrepreneurs are found here most often. And almost all are related to one of the following three aspects: Continue reading

How to increase profits in your business (part 1)

If you are an entrepreneur, then you simply have to constantly ask yourself the same question – how to increase profits? Profit – this is business. The whole point of the business is to increase profits. I don’t know other reasons for doing business. Whoever says anything. There are only five ways to increase profits in business, according to business expert Paul Lambert (the so-called Formula Five). Further we will consider them.5 ways to increase profits
1. Increase Margin
The same Paul Lambert said that business is not to sell more, but to earn more for yourself. And the more you can get from your business, the more successful your business is. And vice versa. As you understand, there are two ways to increase margins and, accordingly, increase profits: either sell more expensive, or buy and / or produce cheaper. Continue reading

List of activities requiring a license (part 2)
20) Activities for the carriage of inland water transport, sea transport of passengers. 21) Activities in the transport of inland water transport, sea transport of dangerous goods. 22) Activities for…


How to sell goods well - learn from Amazon
How does Amazon sell products? As I said, we’ll just go point by point along the route that is offered to the visitor on the site. And we will, of…


How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you
One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with…
