How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you
One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with…

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The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 2)
8. Foresight Are you not a psychic? Sorry. Well, let’s do it, then somehow differently. OK stop, seriously. No superfluous feelings are meant. Remember, we have already called control one…

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Reduce business expenses - a way to increase profits №5
So, dear undertook, we got to the fifth, last in our list of ways that increase profits in our business. This will reduce costs in your business. Prior to this,…

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What a business depends on – 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 1)

Are you an entrepreneur and do you have your own business? Or strive to open a business and become an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the business depends on and how to make it successful? Understanding what the business depends on and which are crucial for the success of your own business is the direct responsibility of the entrepreneur. We’ll talk about this today. Rather, we’ll talk about what exactly you, as an entrepreneur, are obliged to monitor and analyze in your business all the time.
What 5 digits should an entrepreneur know and why does a business depend on them
First, let us single out one business axiom: business is not luck and not luck, it is a process that requires constant monitoring, analysis and conclusions. Continue reading

Car rental as a business idea

Many of us have long been planning to open our own business and work only for ourselves. However, among many business ideas, people are lost, afraid to invest their hard-earned money in a disadvantageous business.

Today I will tell you about a wonderful business that brings attractive income and gives smiles and laughter to young children and their parents. Thanks to this business idea (renting children’s cars), you can earn quite a lot of money, but first things first.

car rental
Idea for business: car rental Continue reading

Learning business by watching others succeed (part 1)
6 business lessons from the Barack Obama campaign Barack Obama is not the first presidential candidate to use the Internet in his campaign. But Barack Obama is the only one…


Car rental as a business idea
Many of us have long been planning to open our own business and work only for ourselves. However, among many business ideas, people are lost, afraid to invest their hard-earned…


How to do a SWOT analysis (part 3)
Step 3. SWOT matrix Having calculated all the factors influencing the business and grouping them into four squares, we get the SWOT analysis matrix, as in the photo below. Thus,…
