The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 2)
8. Foresight Are you not a psychic? Sorry. Well, let’s do it, then somehow differently. OK stop, seriously. No superfluous feelings are meant. Remember, we have already called control one…

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Mistakes of novice entrepreneurs - 10 most dangerous (part 1)
The mistakes of start-up entrepreneurs are a real part of starting your own business. And you can’t get away from it, dear entrepreneurs, beginners and not really :-). Mistakes are…

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Car rental as a business idea
Many of us have long been planning to open our own business and work only for ourselves. However, among many business ideas, people are lost, afraid to invest their hard-earned…

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almost automatically raise

Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people’s ideas (part 2)

How to capitalize on other people’s ideas, or how to copy a business?
Firstly, a little reservation. I do not want to say that the world does not need new products, and no one will invent them. Will, of course. I already said that those who can do it can and will do it. So take good successful examples and copy them. On its own scale, of course. Copying someone else’s business is fine, don’t worry. And this is the key to success if you correctly complete your part of the task.

In this case, of course, do not expect someone to come up with a new successful business, and you will copy it. Take any existing successful business, analyze it, ask the following questions: Continue reading

Factors Affecting Business Development

What factors influence business development strongly and constantly?
We are talking about three business factors (or elements that are more convenient for anyone) – attention, reputation and trust. They are absolutely interconnected and can hardly exist separately from each other (at least, a single factor will never show such effectiveness as with their synergistic interaction). However, we will consider each of these factors separately.

1. Attention
It is easy to guess that you first need to attract attention, and that it is the first step in this cycle of factors affecting business development. This must be done, of course, by means of marketing and advertising (in particular, Internet marketing and advertising). And let it seem simple and logical, but I’m sure that many here are often mistaken – they simply do not attract enough attention of potential customers to their business. Continue reading

Kennedy marketing or tough business management
Real and real customer needs for every aspect of the business). This is your “customer agreement”. Finding a point is already good for every aspect of the business is priceless.…


How to sell goods well - learn from Amazon
How does Amazon sell products? As I said, we’ll just go point by point along the route that is offered to the visitor on the site. And we will, of…


Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 2)
How to capitalize on other people's ideas, or how to copy a business? Firstly, a little reservation. I do not want to say that the world does not need new…
