Selling freshly squeezed juices as a business
Everyone began to take care of their health, everyone has heard about vitamins and minerals, about natural and environmentally friendly products. The time has come when people are really trying…

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List of activities requiring a license (part 2)
20) Activities for the carriage of inland water transport, sea transport of passengers. 21) Activities in the transport of inland water transport, sea transport of dangerous goods. 22) Activities for…

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How to sell goods well - learn from Amazon
How does Amazon sell products? As I said, we’ll just go point by point along the route that is offered to the visitor on the site. And we will, of…

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How to do a SWOT analysis (part 2)

Step 2. Analysis of the business environment
In this step of the SWOT analysis, we must analyze in more detail all of the above factors and understand what they actually represent for us and our business. We will do this, as you might imagine, through a few questions. Here they are:

19. What legal factors can be a threat to our business, and which opportunities?

20. What political factors for our business can be a threat, and which opportunities? Continue reading

How to do a SWOT analysis (part 1)

SWOT analysis is a very important tool for opening, planning and running a business, respectively, and the question “how to do SWOT analysis” is of particular importance in the life of an entrepreneur. We’ll talk about how to do SWOT analysis today. Rather, we will develop such a step-by-step instruction – a questionnaire, after which the very question (how to do SWOT analysis?) Will be completely closed for you.

First, let’s look at what a SWOT analysis is (I apologize in advance to those for whom this is unnecessary). SWOT analysis – a tool for planning and conducting business based on the analysis of four comparative business elements. These elements are: Strengths (strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats). Correctly done SWOT analysis gives the entrepreneur a huge amount of useful information necessary for making the right business decisions. Continue reading

How to make a quotation correctly? (part 1)

Hello, friends!

Recently, Entrepreneur-Pro has talked a lot about how and due to what to increase sales, examined how world giants sell goods, and indeed talked a lot about sales. Today we’ll talk about how to make a commercial proposal correctly, and thus, in a certain sense, we will complete the topic of sales in business (I say in a certain sense, bearing in mind that we will not return to it for a while, but it’s clear that this the theme is endless, of course).

How to make a commercial proposal is an extremely important issue in business, because, as you know, this is the basis of sales in many types of business. And although many experts have spoken out on this issue, I allow myself to do my bit without pretending to universal recognition, as usual :-). So let’s get down to business. Continue reading

Addresses of tax inspections in Moscow (part 1)
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 - Central AO Address: 105064, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val St., 9. Help desk phone: 8 (495) 400-00-87. Fax: 8 (495) 400-01-66.…


Factors Affecting Business Development
What factors influence business development strongly and constantly? We are talking about three business factors (or elements that are more convenient for anyone) - attention, reputation and trust. They are…


Addresses of tax inspections in Moscow (part 2)
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 - Northeast AO Address: 127254, Moscow, st. Rustaveli, house 12/7; 127254, Moscow, st. Rustaveli, d. 15. Help desk phone: 8…
