Payment terminals as a business
In this article, we will consider a new business idea - payment terminals as a business. You always want your own business to become profitable right away, right? From this…

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Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 1)
Copying a business is a really powerful tool for creating a truly solid business. And let them say that it’s bad, that originality and creativity are valued higher, that copying…

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How to do a SWOT analysis (part 3)
Step 3. SWOT matrix Having calculated all the factors influencing the business and grouping them into four squares, we get the SWOT analysis matrix, as in the photo below. Thus,…

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How to sell goods well – learn from Amazon

How does Amazon sell products?
As I said, we’ll just go point by point along the route that is offered to the visitor on the site. And we will, of course, comment on certain tricks and moments. So, let’s go:

1. Personal recommendations

Immediately after entering the site in the upper right corner, Amazon gives personal recommendations for each registered visitor. For your previous visits, the system tried to understand you and create a certain knowledge base about you, on the basis of which it will offer products to you personally with each new visit to the site. This shows how important it is to know your customer, meet his preferences and work with your customers constantly. Errors in sentences are not excluded, of course, but this is not the most important thing.

How to sell products well – Amazon example
Amazon personalized recommendations

2. Introducing the product

Even though this is an electronic version, the seller offers you to look at the product, get to know it better before making a purchase decision (in fact, this decision makes it easier for you).

How to sell goods well – familiar with the product
How to sell – getting to know the product

3. Upsale offer

Offering a discount, the seller tries to sell us another product along with the main one. This is called upsale.

How to sell goods well – upsale welcome
Upsale – Reception of Good Sales

4. Presentation of other, similar or similar products

What if something else interests you? Amazon knows this well and is sure to invite you to become familiar with similar products. And even if it doesn’t work now, we will already have in mind these products for the next purchase, right? So he will sell more.

How to sell products well – suggest options
Sell ​​well – including offer other products

5. Additional familiarity with the product

If you still have not decided to click on the buy button, then you probably need more information about the product, right? So the seller thinks, and he will offer you an even deeper overview of the product. Naturally, talk about what YOU get by buying this product. Well, there’s nothing to lose anyway … It sells well :-).

How to sell products well – introduce the product
Additional familiarity with the product is another sales technique.

6. Proof that this product is being bought

The seller here provides information that 64% of those who viewed this product, eventually bought it. “So he’s good,” you think … “Since the majority buys it, I will buy it too!” – I’m sure many will think so. Plus, another upsale attempt, as you can see.

How to sell well demanded goods
Demanded product is also good to sell

7. Reviews and ratings for those who bought this product

This is a very strong marketing move and a good sales reception always! You can implement it in different ways, especially when you have a reputation like Amazon :-).

How to sell products well – collect reviews
Customer ratings affect sales well

So, friends, here’s how Amazon sells well for us. Only who knows how to notice :-). If you are planning to open your business from scratch, you will have to do this :-).

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