Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 1)
Copying a business is a really powerful tool for creating a truly solid business. And let them say that it’s bad, that originality and creativity are valued higher, that copying…

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What a business potential consists of - 10 basic elements
The main components of business potential The main components of a business’s potential are what business depends on the most. As I understand it, and so I talk about it,…

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List of activities requiring a license (part 1)
1) Development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, performance of work, rendering services in the field of information encryption, maintenance…

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List of activities requiring a license (part 2)

20) Activities for the carriage of inland water transport, sea transport of passengers.

21) Activities in the transport of inland water transport, sea transport of dangerous goods.

22) Activities for the carriage of passengers by air (unless the specified activity is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

23) Activities for the carriage of goods by air (unless the specified activity is carried out to ensure the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur). Continue reading

Addresses of tax inspections in Moscow (part 2)
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 - Northeast AO Address: 127254, Moscow, st. Rustaveli, house 12/7; 127254, Moscow, st. Rustaveli, d. 15. Help desk phone: 8…


The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 2)
8. Foresight Are you not a psychic? Sorry. Well, let’s do it, then somehow differently. OK stop, seriously. No superfluous feelings are meant. Remember, we have already called control one…


How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you
One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with…
