Painting house facades as a business idea
Buildings are almost always high. Stairs, hanging cradles, scaffolding and other smaller appliances are simply necessary for starting a business. And, of course, special paints, electric rollers, compressors. The complexity…

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How to make a quotation correctly? (part 2)
Here are some tips for writing a good headline: The title is a question. For example: “How to increase profits by 2 times?” Or “How to bring the site to…

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Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 2)
How to capitalize on other people's ideas, or how to copy a business? Firstly, a little reservation. I do not want to say that the world does not need new…

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How to do a SWOT analysis (part 2)

Step 2. Analysis of the business environment
In this step of the SWOT analysis, we must analyze in more detail all of the above factors and understand what they actually represent for us and our business. We will do this, as you might imagine, through a few questions. Here they are:

19. What legal factors can be a threat to our business, and which opportunities?

20. What political factors for our business can be a threat, and which opportunities? Continue reading

Tips for a novice leader or 15 moments of truth

In business, if not at the very beginning, then a little later, when he grows up, you will have to be a leader, one way or another. Therefore, today’s post is called advice to the novice leader, and in it I will share some of my recommendations, thoughts and experiences.

I will say right away that some of them have been personally tested, and some are “taken from open sources,” as they say :-). That is, they are in all the business literature that I read, at least, but I have not yet had time to verify their effectiveness. Not because there are doubts, just did not happen in some situations. I will warn about this during the article. Continue reading

Reduce business expenses - a way to increase profits №5
So, dear undertook, we got to the fifth, last in our list of ways that increase profits in our business. This will reduce costs in your business. Prior to this,…


How to increase profits in your business (part 1)
If you are an entrepreneur, then you simply have to constantly ask yourself the same question - how to increase profits? Profit - this is business. The whole point of…


List of activities requiring a license (part 3)
38) Activities for the production of copies of audiovisual works, programs for electronic computers, databases and phonograms on any kind of media (except if the specified activity is independently carried…
