How to stimulate employees, or about the mistakes of material incentives
What mistakes in motivating employees are considered the most common? We will list a few standard mistakes made by managers and hope that they will help you better understand how…

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How to do a SWOT analysis (part 2)
Step 2. Analysis of the business environment In this step of the SWOT analysis, we must analyze in more detail all of the above factors and understand what they actually…

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How to make a quotation correctly? (part 2)
Here are some tips for writing a good headline: The title is a question. For example: “How to increase profits by 2 times?” Or “How to bring the site to…

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How to increase business efficiency or reduce inventory
Entrepreneurs always have the question of how to increase business efficiency. Efficiency in a small business needs to be increased constantly, looking for new ways and opportunities. And one of…


How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you
One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with…


How to make a quotation correctly? (part 2)
Here are some tips for writing a good headline: The title is a question. For example: “How to increase profits by 2 times?” Or “How to bring the site to…
