What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 1)
Are you an entrepreneur and do you have your own business? Or strive to open a business and become an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the business depends on…

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How to increase profits in your business (part 1)
If you are an entrepreneur, then you simply have to constantly ask yourself the same question - how to increase profits? Profit - this is business. The whole point of…

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What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 1)
Are you an entrepreneur and do you have your own business? Or strive to open a business and become an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the business depends on…

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Selling freshly squeezed juices as a business

Everyone began to take care of their health, everyone has heard about vitamins and minerals, about natural and environmentally friendly products. The time has come when people are really trying to be beautiful and healthy. At the same time, no matter how anyone says, the solvency of the population is also growing. And so now, selling freshly squeezed juices as a business has potential.

The Americans were the first to come up with money to make fresh juices. Smoothie bars appeared in the mid-90s, and the business quickly spread around the world. The annual income from the sale of juices in the United States amounts to billions of dollars. In Russia, the sale of freshly squeezed juices as a business has appeared in recent years, and is rapidly gaining popularity. Continue reading

List of activities requiring a license (part 1)
1) Development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, performance of work, rendering services in the field of information encryption, maintenance…


Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 1)
Copying a business is a really powerful tool for creating a truly solid business. And let them say that it’s bad, that originality and creativity are valued higher, that copying…


The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 1)
I will say right away: this topic should be considered, as it were, in a special plane, or something ... What do I mean? I explain. I am a supporter…
