Selling freshly squeezed juices as a business
Everyone began to take care of their health, everyone has heard about vitamins and minerals, about natural and environmentally friendly products. The time has come when people are really trying…

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Painting house facades as a business idea
Buildings are almost always high. Stairs, hanging cradles, scaffolding and other smaller appliances are simply necessary for starting a business. And, of course, special paints, electric rollers, compressors. The complexity…

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Kennedy marketing or tough business management
Real and real customer needs for every aspect of the business). This is your “customer agreement”. Finding a point is already good for every aspect of the business is priceless.…

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essence of the business

Mistakes of novice entrepreneurs – 10 most dangerous (part 2)

Mistake # 5: impatience
A common mistake of aspiring entrepreneurs is impatience. Business takes time, be patient. If you want to earn a million in the first month, hmmm … I don’t know, maybe :-). But it may not be … At the same time, of course, if you understand that nevertheless this is not it, do not wait for years … rebuild. In simple words, close this business and start a new one. I think this is understandable.

Mistake # 6: business alone
The sixth mistake of beginning entrepreneurs is that they do not hire employees. It’s not easy for one to cope with all business tasks, understand. Continue reading

Industry Analysis through 40 Questions (part 1)

Analysis of the industry is not only an important step in opening your own business, but also an important tool for conducting and developing your own business. Indeed, making an analysis of the industry (and its own business, in particular), the entrepreneur clearly understands where and in what to add, and in which he is ahead of the competition. It really helps to make the right decisions, agree. And making the right decisions is the main task of a successful entrepreneur. So let’s look at how to do the same industry analysis.

Want to do an industry analysis? Answer 40 questions
To make it easier to analyze the industry, here I will lay out 40 questions, by answering which you can already say: “That’s it! I did it! Industry Analysis Ready. Continue reading

How to make a marketing plan from 7 offers

Today a very short article will turn out, I think. Let’s talk about how to draw up a marketing plan in 7 sentences. Perhaps the article will be voluminous, but very important and useful, I am sure. The fact that you can, and, most importantly, how to make a marketing plan in 7 sentences, was the first to speak of the world famous Jay Conrad Levinson – the father of guerrilla marketing. So, in fact, I am retelling his words to you. Who has already read – well done, who not – here’s an opportunity.

how to make a marketing plan
We make a marketing plan of 7 offers Continue reading

How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you
One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with…


How to become a successful entrepreneur: 30 tips
How to become a successful entrepreneur? I don’t know, I’ll tell you straight. If you wanted to hear the answer directly, it is unlikely to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs become working,…


How to do a SWOT analysis (part 3)
Step 3. SWOT matrix Having calculated all the factors influencing the business and grouping them into four squares, we get the SWOT analysis matrix, as in the photo below. Thus,…
