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How to make a quotation correctly? (part 1)

Hello, friends!

Recently, Entrepreneur-Pro has talked a lot about how and due to what to increase sales, examined how world giants sell goods, and indeed talked a lot about sales. Today we’ll talk about how to make a commercial proposal correctly, and thus, in a certain sense, we will complete the topic of sales in business (I say in a certain sense, bearing in mind that we will not return to it for a while, but it’s clear that this the theme is endless, of course).

How to make a commercial proposal is an extremely important issue in business, because, as you know, this is the basis of sales in many types of business. And although many experts have spoken out on this issue, I allow myself to do my bit without pretending to universal recognition, as usual :-). So let’s get down to business.

how to make a quotation
How to make a quotation correctly

Key Features of a Correct Commercial Offer
Firstly, it should be noted that a commercial offer can be personal (addressed to a specific person) and public (addressed to a wide audience).

Secondly, the right commercial offer is always based on the specific needs of the target audience. Accordingly, it requires preliminary work to obtain knowledge about the target audience, for which the proposal is compiled. This is a very important point, in fact, because drawing up a commercial proposal solely on its own assumptions and guesses is the way to nowhere.

Thirdly, the main goal of KP is to sell (and no wonder :-)). On the way to this goal, a well-composed offer must “go through” 4 stages:

First attract the attention of a potential buyer.
Then arouse his interest in the offer and the proposed products.
Further arouse the desire to buy.
And in the end, stimulate the purchase.
These four simple steps are mandatory for any commercial offer. And in order for the commercial proposal to go through all 4 stages, it, of course, must be correctly drawn up. Otherwise, it may not survive any of the stages.

Next, we consider the typical structure of a good commercial offer.

How to make a quotation: a typical writing algorithm
A typical template of a commercial proposal can be represented as follows:

A hat with a visually designed element (most often the company logo)
Commercial Title
Clarifying Subheading
The main text (with its elements)
Completion (with a call, advertising slogan, etc.)
Sender’s contact details and details
Let’s go through each item.
Commercial offer header
The main function of this visually designed element is to attract the primary attention of the reader. Later it must be held on, of course, you cannot do with one beautiful logo, but, nevertheless, the first thing the reader pays attention to is the head of the document. Therefore, it is important to develop a good, working logo and corporate identity as a whole at the beginning of your business. To insert images from the network into your commercial offers, all the more so, each time is different, I do not really recommend it. In general, you understand, we are moving on.

Commercial Title
The title also has the function of attracting the attention of the reader, but it should also cause primary interest. Here the main message is written to a potential client – this is the basis of your appeal to the reader. Therefore, be sure to come up with a bright and attractive headline.

It’s just “Commercial Offer” – a very bad headline. Write at least what this offer is about. Well, for example, “A commercial proposal for the withdrawal of your site in the TOP Yandex.” The client, at least, immediately understands what is offered to him and what is his benefit. Although, in this case, he sees the benefit indirectly. Better then write “to attract customers for your business from the Internet.”

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