How to make a marketing plan from 7 offers
Today a very short article will turn out, I think. Let's talk about how to draw up a marketing plan in 7 sentences. Perhaps the article will be voluminous, but…

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Tips for a novice leader or 15 moments of truth
In business, if not at the very beginning, then a little later, when he grows up, you will have to be a leader, one way or another. Therefore, today's post…

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How to study the market and why is it needed? (part 1)
First, let's figure out what a market is. I say again, I write about my concepts, which do not have to correspond to textbooks. Therefore, the market for me is…

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Common Small Business Mistakes

The topic of today’s material is small business mistakes. A couple of days ago, I began to think, and what are most often mistaken? I mean us – small entrepreneurs. What are our most common mistakes? I thought, honestly, two days. Well, at least two days later the same list of typical mistakes of small business appeared. I will share it with you. I don’t know whether you agree or not, but I see him like that.

small business mistakes
Talk about typical small business mistakes Continue reading

How to sell goods well - learn from Amazon
How does Amazon sell products? As I said, we’ll just go point by point along the route that is offered to the visitor on the site. And we will, of…


How to succeed in business - a list of the most important factors
I am not writing this article “How to succeed in business” at all. The other day, I accidentally stumbled upon a list of success factors in business with which I…


Copying a business, or how to capitalize on other people's ideas (part 1)
Copying a business is a really powerful tool for creating a truly solid business. And let them say that it’s bad, that originality and creativity are valued higher, that copying…
