Kennedy marketing or tough business management
Real and real customer needs for every aspect of the business). This is your “customer agreement”. Finding a point is already good for every aspect of the business is priceless.…

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Kennedy marketing or tough business management
Real and real customer needs for every aspect of the business). This is your “customer agreement”. Finding a point is already good for every aspect of the business is priceless.…

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How to study the market and why is it needed? (part 2)
5 steps to explore the market 1. Set the goal of market research. Do not just collect information, but decide (or rather, understand) what do you want to know? Why…

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Monthly Archives: July 2017

How to sell goods well – learn from Amazon

How does Amazon sell products?
As I said, we’ll just go point by point along the route that is offered to the visitor on the site. And we will, of course, comment on certain tricks and moments. So, let’s go:

1. Personal recommendations

Immediately after entering the site in the upper right corner, Amazon gives personal recommendations for each registered visitor. For your previous visits, the system tried to understand you and create a certain knowledge base about you, on the basis of which it will offer products to you personally with each new visit to the site. This shows how important it is to know your customer, meet his preferences and work with your customers constantly. Errors in sentences are not excluded, of course, but this is not the most important thing. Continue reading

Reduce business expenses – a way to increase profits №5

So, dear undertook, we got to the fifth, last in our list of ways that increase profits in our business. This will reduce costs in your business. Prior to this, we talked about the need to constantly attract potential buyers, how important it is to complete a larger number of sales, how to sell goods and / or services for a larger amount, and how important it is to make repeat sales.

All of these methods will undoubtedly increase profits in the business. But, you see, to reduce costs also means to increase profits, albeit “on the other hand,” of course, not to the detriment of marketing and the quality of work. It’s just possible to reduce business costs without compromising the business itself. And they must be used. Continue reading

What a business potential consists of - 10 basic elements
The main components of business potential The main components of a business’s potential are what business depends on the most. As I understand it, and so I talk about it,…


How to become a successful entrepreneur: 30 tips
How to become a successful entrepreneur? I don’t know, I’ll tell you straight. If you wanted to hear the answer directly, it is unlikely to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs become working,…


How to make a quotation correctly? (part 2)
Here are some tips for writing a good headline: The title is a question. For example: “How to increase profits by 2 times?” Or “How to bring the site to…
