How to do a SWOT analysis (part 2)
Step 2. Analysis of the business environment In this step of the SWOT analysis, we must analyze in more detail all of the above factors and understand what they actually…

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What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 1)
Are you an entrepreneur and do you have your own business? Or strive to open a business and become an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the business depends on…

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Learning business by watching others succeed (part 1)
6 business lessons from the Barack Obama campaign Barack Obama is not the first presidential candidate to use the Internet in his campaign. But Barack Obama is the only one…

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List of activities requiring a license (part 2)

20) Activities for the carriage of inland water transport, sea transport of passengers.

21) Activities in the transport of inland water transport, sea transport of dangerous goods.

22) Activities for the carriage of passengers by air (unless the specified activity is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

23) Activities for the carriage of goods by air (unless the specified activity is carried out to ensure the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur). Continue reading

The most important factor for business success

You want to know a lot of things, to be able to do even more, but if you don’t make a decision, if you are not ready to act, you won’t succeed in any business. Or, if you don’t have a firm determination to follow your personal decision. The main thing is to start and do. And, if you do not decide on this, you will not succeed in business in any way, right?

How does the main factor of business success work?
I am not a psychologist or philosopher, but I’ll try to find out how the very important factor of success in business and in life works, where it comes from and what it is eaten with.

Firstly, you need to understand that it consists of two parts that are completely interdependent from each other: Continue reading

Car rental as a business idea
Many of us have long been planning to open our own business and work only for ourselves. However, among many business ideas, people are lost, afraid to invest their hard-earned…


What a business potential consists of - 10 basic elements
The main components of business potential The main components of a business’s potential are what business depends on the most. As I understand it, and so I talk about it,…


How to increase profits in your business (part 2)
How much will profit increase? Above, we have listed five methods for increasing profits. How much profit will increase depends on how effectively we implement all the changes in the…
