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How to make a marketing plan from 7 offers

Today a very short article will turn out, I think. Let’s talk about how to draw up a marketing plan in 7 sentences. Perhaps the article will be voluminous, but very important and useful, I am sure. The fact that you can, and, most importantly, how to make a marketing plan in 7 sentences, was the first to speak of the world famous Jay Conrad Levinson – the father of guerrilla marketing. So, in fact, I am retelling his words to you. Who has already read – well done, who not – here’s an opportunity.

how to make a marketing plan
We make a marketing plan of 7 offers

So, we make a marketing plan:
I repeat – this is a marketing plan with 7 offers. Moreover, everything possible must be done so that each item really consists of one proposal. However, difficulties in this sense usually happen with only one of the points, but first things first.

1. Marketing objectives
In the first sentence, you need to determine the real goals of your marketing, what you are going to do. Tell us clearly and concretely what your marketing activity should lead to. What do you want: for people to call, to go to the site, to immediately make a purchase or something else. You have to decide on this.

2. Competitive advantages and positioning
Here you emphasize your main advantages (or advantage) and your position in the market. For example, Head & Shoulders emphasizes and positions itself not even as a shampoo, but as a remedy for dandruff No. 1 (this is just one suggestion, mind you). All this is said. It is important that your benefits be presented as a benefit to the user, of course. That you are beautiful and fluffy, he does not really want to know.

3. Target audience
In this sentence you should name your target audience. Clearly, clearly and most specifically. To whom will you sell your services and / or goods? Define this group by age, gender, social status, geographical location, solvency, interests … everything that can matter in order to specifically determine the narrow group of your potential buyers.

4. Marketing Tools
This is not a proposal, but a list. A list of all the marketing tools that you intend to use in your marketing plan. Here you can just go overboard 🙂 Write even more than you actually use, that’s okay. Then select the most effective.

5. Niche or field of activity
Indicate in your marketing plan what you are specifically doing. Having heard the name of the company, the first thing the consumer thinks about is what they do. And the name itself, unfortunately, does not always indicate this.

6. Business personality
In the sixth sentence of the marketing plan, indicate the features of your business. Not the reputation and history, but the essence of the business, characteristics and differences. The main thing is the differences. Let’s say you sell educational toys. Find the difference – they are not Chinese, they are only wooden, they are only for children older than 3 years old … etc.

7. Budget
Well, where is it without money? 🙂 In the end, tell me how much money you will spend on marketing. For existing businesses, it is better to do this as a percentage of future sales.

That’s it, your marketing plan is ready. Seven short sentences, and you made a marketing plan. Not hard, right? Of course, this is not the easiest task (even if you need to write only 7 sentences), but such a marketing plan will be effective. I will make a reservation: this is a plan in a strategic sense. Along the way, when performing various marketing activities, of course, different current moments will arise, and they will need to be addressed. But this is a tactic, and it is easier when you have (and are fulfilling!) A strategic marketing plan.

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