How to become a successful entrepreneur: 30 tips
How to become a successful entrepreneur? I don’t know, I’ll tell you straight. If you wanted to hear the answer directly, it is unlikely to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs become working,…

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How to make a marketing plan from 7 offers
Today a very short article will turn out, I think. Let's talk about how to draw up a marketing plan in 7 sentences. Perhaps the article will be voluminous, but…

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How to make money on tea?
In order to open your own business you need a business idea, of course. Today we’ll talk about one interesting thing - we’ll call it “how to make money on…

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Production of decorative stone as a business idea

We will begin our consideration of this business idea with a short history. The first building material that was used by our ancestors thousands of years ago, and only in the twentieth century, began to leave the wide construction site – this is natural stone. Natural stone, of course, is different, and depending on the cost of extraction, processing, uniqueness of the stone itself, the cost of the finished material varies, but is usually quite high. The high cost, along with some other points (for example, a limited color range) casts doubt on the prospects of the natural stone production and processing business.

But there is a rather interesting option for its replacement, from the point of view of business, including. This is a decorative stone that has appeared in the last century. Decorative stone has several advantages over natural stone: Continue reading

Breeding quails as a business
The other day I received a letter asking why there are no articles with business ideas on our site. Well, because I do not have time to write :). But…


Production of decorative stone as a business idea
We will begin our consideration of this business idea with a short history. The first building material that was used by our ancestors thousands of years ago, and only in…


Factors Affecting Business Development
What factors influence business development strongly and constantly? We are talking about three business factors (or elements that are more convenient for anyone) - attention, reputation and trust. They are…
