Car rental as a business idea
Many of us have long been planning to open our own business and work only for ourselves. However, among many business ideas, people are lost, afraid to invest their hard-earned…

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How to make a quotation correctly? (part 1)
Hello, friends! Recently, Entrepreneur-Pro has talked a lot about how and due to what to increase sales, examined how world giants sell goods, and indeed talked a lot about sales.…

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What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 2)
5. Lifetime value of the client / Cost of attracting one client This indicator will allow you to understand how much you will get back from each invested ruble. In…

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How to do a SWOT analysis (part 3)

Step 3. SWOT matrix
Having calculated all the factors influencing the business and grouping them into four squares, we get the SWOT analysis matrix, as in the photo below. Thus, we classified all possible impacts on our business in 4 categories: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Thanks to this matrix, we better understand our own business, and, accordingly, it is easier for us to make competent to do swot analysis
SWOT analysis matrix

Step 4. SWOT Strategy
Stroking the matrix on the SWOT, it is easy to see that in each square two elements intersect. From this “intersection”, in fact, we can extract a separate business strategy and, on the basis of it, develop a business. Continue reading

How to recover lost customers or 6 errors that make customers forget about you
One of the most important aspects of doing business is retaining your customers and working with them. Attracting new customers is always more expensive for small businesses than working with…


Mistakes of novice entrepreneurs - 10 most dangerous (part 1)
The mistakes of start-up entrepreneurs are a real part of starting your own business. And you can’t get away from it, dear entrepreneurs, beginners and not really :-). Mistakes are…


Factors Affecting Business Development
What factors influence business development strongly and constantly? We are talking about three business factors (or elements that are more convenient for anyone) - attention, reputation and trust. They are…
