The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 2)
8. Foresight Are you not a psychic? Sorry. Well, let’s do it, then somehow differently. OK stop, seriously. No superfluous feelings are meant. Remember, we have already called control one…

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Addresses of tax inspections in Moscow (part 2)
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 - Northeast AO Address: 127254, Moscow, st. Rustaveli, house 12/7; 127254, Moscow, st. Rustaveli, d. 15. Help desk phone: 8…

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How to become a successful entrepreneur: 30 tips
How to become a successful entrepreneur? I don’t know, I’ll tell you straight. If you wanted to hear the answer directly, it is unlikely to succeed. Successful entrepreneurs become working,…

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existing and potential

How to establish a business (part 1)

On the topic of how to establish a business, I already wrote in an article on how to organize your business. But since setting up a business is not the easiest thing, let us return to this topic again. In the future, we will probably come back again. In today’s article I will share my opinion on how to establish a business from the point of view of its systematization, i.e. division of business processes into several subsystems and their integration, and organization.

I would like to note (although for you this, the reader, from the point of view of running your own business it may turn out to be insignificant), that this article was placed under the heading “Starting a business” and not “Doing business”, although, probably, the second would be more correct. Continue reading

Industry Analysis through 40 Questions (part 2)
Competitors and Competitive Industry Analysis 22. How many competitors in this industry? Analyze your piece of the market, i.e. those with whom you are really competing. But be aware of…


Reduce business expenses - a way to increase profits №5
So, dear undertook, we got to the fifth, last in our list of ways that increase profits in our business. This will reduce costs in your business. Prior to this,…


Payment terminals as a business
In this article, we will consider a new business idea - payment terminals as a business. You always want your own business to become profitable right away, right? From this…
