How to do a SWOT analysis (part 1)
SWOT analysis is a very important tool for opening, planning and running a business, respectively, and the question “how to do SWOT analysis” is of particular importance in the life…

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Learning business by watching others succeed (part 1)
6 business lessons from the Barack Obama campaign Barack Obama is not the first presidential candidate to use the Internet in his campaign. But Barack Obama is the only one…

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Industry Analysis through 40 Questions (part 2)
Competitors and Competitive Industry Analysis 22. How many competitors in this industry? Analyze your piece of the market, i.e. those with whom you are really competing. But be aware of…

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How to stimulate employees, or about the mistakes of material incentives
What mistakes in motivating employees are considered the most common? We will list a few standard mistakes made by managers and hope that they will help you better understand how…


How to establish a business (part 1)
On the topic of how to establish a business, I already wrote in an article on how to organize your business. But since setting up a business is not the…


Painting house facades as a business idea
Buildings are almost always high. Stairs, hanging cradles, scaffolding and other smaller appliances are simply necessary for starting a business. And, of course, special paints, electric rollers, compressors. The complexity…
