Mistakes of novice entrepreneurs - 10 most dangerous (part 2)
Mistake # 5: impatience A common mistake of aspiring entrepreneurs is impatience. Business takes time, be patient. If you want to earn a million in the first month, hmmm ...…

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Kennedy marketing or tough business management
Real and real customer needs for every aspect of the business). This is your “customer agreement”. Finding a point is already good for every aspect of the business is priceless.…

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What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 2)
5. Lifetime value of the client / Cost of attracting one client This indicator will allow you to understand how much you will get back from each invested ruble. In…

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Monthly Archives: February 2017

How to establish a business (part 2)

2. Which of the processes has the most significant impact on profits in my business?
Here, rather, it’s immediately clear, but nonetheless. It’s immediately understandable, because I believe that in any business the most important thing is marketing. Attracting new customers and retaining old ones. The essence of the question is more about what factor is in second, third place and so on. I already gave the first :-). Make some rating. In general, you need to understand the interconnections of all these processes and determine priorities. That’s what I meant. That sounds better :-). Continue reading

How to establish a business (part 1)

On the topic of how to establish a business, I already wrote in an article on how to organize your business. But since setting up a business is not the easiest thing, let us return to this topic again. In the future, we will probably come back again. In today’s article I will share my opinion on how to establish a business from the point of view of its systematization, i.e. division of business processes into several subsystems and their integration, and organization.

I would like to note (although for you this, the reader, from the point of view of running your own business it may turn out to be insignificant), that this article was placed under the heading “Starting a business” and not “Doing business”, although, probably, the second would be more correct. Continue reading

The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 1)
I will say right away: this topic should be considered, as it were, in a special plane, or something ... What do I mean? I explain. I am a supporter…


Mistakes of novice entrepreneurs - 10 most dangerous (part 1)
The mistakes of start-up entrepreneurs are a real part of starting your own business. And you can’t get away from it, dear entrepreneurs, beginners and not really :-). Mistakes are…


How to make a marketing plan from 7 offers
Today a very short article will turn out, I think. Let's talk about how to draw up a marketing plan in 7 sentences. Perhaps the article will be voluminous, but…
