What a business depends on - 5 digits that an entrepreneur must know (part 1)
Are you an entrepreneur and do you have your own business? Or strive to open a business and become an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the business depends on…

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Selling freshly squeezed juices as a business
Everyone began to take care of their health, everyone has heard about vitamins and minerals, about natural and environmentally friendly products. The time has come when people are really trying…

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How to do a SWOT analysis (part 1)
SWOT analysis is a very important tool for opening, planning and running a business, respectively, and the question “how to do SWOT analysis” is of particular importance in the life…

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Monthly Archives: May 2018

How to increase profits in your business (part 2)

How much will profit increase?
Above, we have listed five methods for increasing profits. How much profit will increase depends on how effectively we implement all the changes in the business and how much we are able to “work” them together. Let’s look at a specific example of how much we can increase profits if we improve each of the 5 indicators by 10%. At the same time, of course, it will be difficult to do this, but it can be done gradually and in turn.

So, we are analyzing not a real, but a fictional, but still a concrete example, with numbers. Let’s see what we get, how much profit will increase.

Our initial figures are as follows: 500,000 rubles revenue, 1,000 potential customers, 10% conversion (100 real buyers), 25% repeat sales (i.e. 25 additional sales to old customers), we sell goods with a margin of 100%. It is easy to calculate that we have only 125 sales for 4000 each. Continue reading

How to increase profits in your business (part 1)

If you are an entrepreneur, then you simply have to constantly ask yourself the same question – how to increase profits? Profit – this is business. The whole point of the business is to increase profits. I don’t know other reasons for doing business. Whoever says anything. There are only five ways to increase profits in business, according to business expert Paul Lambert (the so-called Formula Five). Further we will consider them.5 ways to increase profits
1. Increase Margin
The same Paul Lambert said that business is not to sell more, but to earn more for yourself. And the more you can get from your business, the more successful your business is. And vice versa. As you understand, there are two ways to increase margins and, accordingly, increase profits: either sell more expensive, or buy and / or produce cheaper. Continue reading

What a business potential consists of - 10 basic elements
The main components of business potential The main components of a business’s potential are what business depends on the most. As I understand it, and so I talk about it,…


List of activities requiring a license (part 1)
1) Development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, performance of work, rendering services in the field of information encryption, maintenance…


The main tasks of an entrepreneur, or what and how to do if you are an entrepreneur (part 2)
8. Foresight Are you not a psychic? Sorry. Well, let’s do it, then somehow differently. OK stop, seriously. No superfluous feelings are meant. Remember, we have already called control one…
